January 6, 2012

DIY: New Years Eve

 Happy 2012!!  I had a blast decorating with friends for a New Years Party in Seattle. Our friend's condo overlooks the space needle, so we were able to fully enjoy the ten minute firework show from her balconies (yeah, she has THREE balconies). 

We decided on a gold, silver and black theme-- and hit it spot on! We really wanted a fun garland, and when I found a sparkly table covering, I got excited and ripped it up. I made a mess. I cleaned up the mess. The end result: 

I recently bought a serving tray from Ikea and painted it with chalkboard paint (blog about this to follow). We used it to serve champagne right before the clock struck midnight. 

"Time to drink champagne
and dance on the table"

Aren't those little hanging disco balls adorable?? 
I can't forget to give a big shout out to TomKatStudio for the printables used.

Happy New Year, may it bring you much joy. And good luck with your New Year's Resolutions...the goal is to make it past January 21st-- that's the most popular suicide day because of unfulfilled resolutions... 

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